さて、KANAME の『金魚 指飾り』は室町時代から受け継がれた金魚という深い歴史を持つ生き物を、現代へとハイセンスでスタイリッシュに蘇らせた和装にも洋服にも合うリングです。
金魚が優雅に泳ぐ様子をマットに仕上げシルバー925( スターリングシルバー) の地金にそれぞれプラチナコーティングとK18 コーティングを施してます。
また、サイズのご用意が幅広くございますので、例えば15 号以上ですと内周が約5cm ほどございます。
着物の三部紐の帯締は幅約9mm、丸組のもので約1cm とになりますので、帯留めとしてもご利用可能となります。
飴細工なども人気なので合わせてSNS にアップしてみても楽しいかも知れませんね。
KANAME の金魚リングは2名の職人により、国産の素材と技法を用いて都内下町の工房で一貫して製造管理しています。
ファッションも気分も楽しい気持ちで過ごせるKANAME の金魚リングで
読者の皆様、日々の生活をKANAME のジュエリーと共に楽しくお過ごしいただけると嬉しく思います。
We would like to introduce you to this gold fish motif JAPAN jewelry which makes you feel special by wearing them.
We had goldfish movement in Japan during Edo-period, where people in Edo(=old way of saying “Tokyo” ) enjoyed the beauty of goldfish.
By the way, our KANAME brand jewelry of “Kingyo Yubikazari” are rings of goldfish, which are creatures of long history from Muromachi-era.
They are contemporary stylish jewelry goes with Kimono and Avant-garde wardrobes.
We made elegant movement of goldfish into mat.
Platinum coating and K18 coating are applied to the base metal of silver 925 (sterling silver), respectively.
by using “Sukashi-Giho” technique which we use thin saw by cutting metals into shapes of patterns.
So, by using old traditiona technique, “Kingyo Yubikazari” to modern, They came out as contemporary interpretation of tradition.
And We have wide ranges of variety sizes so that if You choose size 15, there are 5cm of inter circumference.
If you get 9mm wide Obidome, or round braided Obijime, diameter would be 1cm so that, You can use as “Obidome” as well.
If you use red color “Obijime” for example, Gold fish comes out as Red gold fish…
If you use black Obijime, Black gold fish would come out in between either gold or silver.
If you dress in Western clothes, MInimal beauty of silver/gold and its texture
would come beautifully as high brand avant-garde design clothes as elegance.
So that Essence of Contemporary Japanese would come out beautifully.
In Japan, These days, Installation art by golden fish artist or,
Craft made golden fish candies are on trend, so it would be fun to upload together on social media.
By dressed in golden fish design jewelries,
How about making time trip back to the Edo era from this modern culture?
“Kingyo Yubikazari” (Golden fish ring) by KANAME brand is created by two craftsman,
by using all Japanese material and technique in studio of downtown Tokyo.
By wearing our jewelry, time progress would give them like antique look,
but at the same time, polishing them make them like brand new so, they are sustainable to keep them over ages.
How about giving Golden fish ring as gifts to yourself, family and friends?
We are so happy to hear your comments such as you felt happy wearing those rings,
or you had inspiration to your life style and so on.
We are happy if you enjoy your everyday life together with KANAME jewelry & accessories.