折り鶴シリーズ / OritsuruSeries

*折り鶴 首飾り / 耳飾り
縁起の良い象徴とされる『折り鶴 首飾り』と『折り鶴 耳飾り』の2 種類のご紹介です。
ZARA からも鶴柄のワンピースが販売されるなど、現在では世界中で人気を博している柄です。
KANAME の『折り鶴 耳飾り』と『折り鶴 首飾り』は古来から親しまれてきた縁起物である折り鶴の文様を
特に『折り鶴 耳飾り』は左右2つで1つの商品となりますので、夫婦が仲良く一生を添い遂げる
『折り鶴 耳飾り』は透かし技法により、繊細なカッティングを施しているので、
シルバー925( スターリングシルバー) の地金に
それぞれプラチナコーティングとK18 コーティングを施してます。
フック部分は18 金ゴールド、プラチナ素材を使用しており、
また『折り鶴 首飾り』は身につけていただくことで
KANAME の『折り鶴 首飾り』や『折り鶴 耳飾り』を付けて心願成就を叶えてみてはいかがでしょうか?
KANAME のジュエリー& アクセサリーは下町の工房で2 名の職人によって作られています。

*Orizuru Neckless / Earring
We are introducing 2 jewelries, “Orizuru Kubikazari” and “Orizuru Mimikazari.” which are considered to be auspicious symbols.
In Japan design of “Tsuru” (the crane) is considered as one of good fortune or celebration.
“Tsuru” which is famous with the meaning of “longevity” and “Happiness” is drawn together with a turtle and a pine tree.
As ZARA sold dress with crane design, Tsuru has become the popular motif toady.
“Orizuru Mimikazari” and “Orizuru Kubikazari” of KANAME brands are coordinated well together with
with both Western and Japanese outfits.
Especially “Orizuru Mimikazari” are earrings of pair as one so, it goes well with the concept of “Meotozuru” (couple cranes)
which is suitable for woman who wish their luck in love and relationship.
Motif of crane swinging from chain shows elegance of feminine style, and crane design would go
of course to Summer style of casual Kimono and
western style dress as well.
Since “Orizuru Mimikazari” is made by “Sukashi-gihou” technique, with precise cutting,
Inside of outline of Origami-made cranes, so, the image depends on the weather or scenery.
Platinum coating and K18 coating are applied to the base metal of silver 925 (sterling silver), respectively.
We used 18K gold and platinum for hook parts,
so we have been careful considering on allergies,
so they aren’ t supposed to cause you any trouble.
Also, “Orizuru Kubikazari” gives beautiful look to female
especially the neckline of woman more beautifully with elegance.
If you coordinate together with Kimono, You can show “Orizuru” (Crane made out of Origami.)
from your neck line charmingly, and they give stylish look to minimal western fashion too.
By tuning together with crane motif, you can dress them with beautifully.
We, Japanese folded origami crane from long time ago in a history with pray and wishes to shrines and temples.
Since the voice of Crane can reach to higher distance, They are called “The existence connected to the God” .
For various kind of wish such as hearling, peace and wishes, We still have custom to fold 1000 origami cranes.
How about making your wish through wearing “Orizuru Kubikazari” and “Orizuru Yubikazari” by KANAME?
Thank you so much for reading our blog today too.
Kaname Jewelry&accessories are made by 2 craftsman in downtown of Tokyo,Japan.
We wish people who dressed in our Orizuru Jewelry to live in calm and peace.