文様シリーズ / MonyoSeires

*文様 指飾り / 首飾り / 耳飾り
の文様をあしらった5 種類の指飾り、耳飾り、首飾りが金銀2 色ずつ。
合計すると30 種類の商品があります。どちらも力強く、古来から伝わる人気の文様ですが、
心を豊かにしてくれるシックな銀色という2 種のお色味(材質)の中からお好きなお色味をお選び頂けます。
『文様 柄 首飾り』は繊細な文様が胸元を飾ってくれるので
『文様 柄 指飾り』はペアで身につけてくださる方やお仕事などの願掛けとして
『文様 柄 耳飾り』も和洋両方のファッションに合うので場所や時間を選ばないデザインとして
シルバー925( スターリングシルバー) の地金にそれぞれプラチナコーティングとK18 コーティングを施してます。
ポスト部分は金属アレルギーを最大限に考慮した18 金ゴールドを使用しているので
『文様 柄 耳飾り』と『文様 柄 首飾り』との2 点セットアップや3 点セットのご贈答用も承っております。
KANAME のジュエリーの中でも古来の叡智が生きたデザインが美しく、日本の雅を感じていただけるものです。
世の中のご時世は急速に変化している今日この頃ですが、KANAME のジュエリー& アクセサリーを通じて

*Monyo Ring / Neckless / Earring
Beside “Mon Yo Fuda KUbikazari” necklace, WE have round desgin ring, neckalce and earrings in Silver and Gold.
They have 5 different design of motifs.
So, In total, They are 30 types of products in variety. They are all ancient powerful pattens,
but they are very sensitive and small so, they are rather elengant.
By seeing petals as sun, “Chrysanthemum” was believed
as the motif of health and perpetual youth and longevity.
And “Leaves of Hemp” was considered as motif of vitality and fecundity.
“Blue ocean wave” has been a symbol of wish to live in peace forever.
“Three comma shaped emblem in a circe” was considered as the spirit of water to distinguish fire.
And “Arare” which is natural phenomenon and has sacred meaning to be connected to the god.
We turned those ancient motifs into contemporary culture.
We have gold/silver in colors and The gold which remind us of the sun which illuminate itself and around it,
and has an energy for owners shine and give prosperity.
And the Silver color which shine tenderly and sweetly with energy to shine itself and around quietly,
like moon. You can choose from gold or silver.
“Monyo Gara Kubikazari” gives an essence to your fashion such as
simple dress or pants style and the same design rings called “Monyo Gara Yubikazari”
are popular work which couple of any gender dress as pair coordinate.
You can also dress in Kimono with the same design textiles or ,
You can also coordinate with dress or simple avant-garde fashion.
We are learning everyday through taking a look at coordinate of our clients.
Also “Monyo Gara Yubikazari” is favored by people in different generation since they go with
any occasions and places.
Platinum coating and K18 coating are applied to the base metal of silver 925 (sterling silver), respectively.
Our products are designed for anti-metal allergy so that We use 18K gold,
so, Even people with metal allergy can enjoy them as well.
We are accepting order of “Monyo Gara Mimikazari” (Earrings) and “Monyo Gara Kubikazari” (Necklace)as setups.
They are jewelries which has beauty from ancient Japanese wisdom to feel Japanese Miyabi(Elegance).
Since They are designs that are often seen in Japanese architecture in Shinto Shrine and Buddist temples,
So, wearing those jewelry can read to Shrines, Temples, Kimono, Japanese Tea, Japanese Sake,
Japanese Flower arrangement and so on, so that We are happy to make connection of You with “Miyabi” (Japanese Elegance) and “Yamato Damashii(Soul of Japan).
Lately, This world is changing rapidly but We are wishing to be a jewelry to give you the healing,
energy of the Sun and good health through jewelry&accessories of KANAME brand«